New Store, 2025
In the New Store, we imagine the shop of the future: one that helps, rather than harms, the environment. New Store ultimately aims to be completely regenerative. The museum shop at the Nieuwe Instituut acts as a testing ground, bringing designers’ ideas and proposals into the real world. Together we explore what it means to design, produce and shop in a fully regenerative way.
In the New Store, we imagine the shop of the future: one that helps, rather than harms, the environment. New Store ultimately aims to be completely regenerative. The museum shop at the Nieuwe Instituut acts as a testing ground, bringing designers’ ideas and proposals into the real world. Together we explore what it means to design, produce and shop in a fully regenerative way.

Built Homecoming, 2024
The house of architects Aldo and Hannie van Eyck in Loenen aan de Vecht is filled to the brim with the books, films, photographs, drawings and works of art that they collected over half a century. A modest part of this collection is currently on display at the Research Centre. Built Homecoming invites you into the largely unseen home archive of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck, and into a lifetime of thinking about architecture and culture.

Zoöp, 2024
I was asked to take additional photos of the exterior, showing the institute primarily as a Zoöp, with animals and greenery, in a welcoming, friendly and colourful atmosphere. A Zoöp is an organisational model for cooperation between human and nonhuman life that safeguards the interests of all zoë (Greek for 'life'). The zoöp model makes the interests of nonhuman life part of organisational decision making.
I was asked to take additional photos of the exterior, showing the institute primarily as a Zoöp, with animals and greenery, in a welcoming, friendly and colourful atmosphere. A Zoöp is an organisational model for cooperation between human and nonhuman life that safeguards the interests of all zoë (Greek for 'life'). The zoöp model makes the interests of nonhuman life part of organisational decision making.

Open Model Storage, 2023
Located on the site of the Van Nelle factory, the depot occupies one of the factory warehouses and is used to store around 700 models in an open layout. As well as being a storage area, it’s also a workshop for collection managers, who work on restoring and registering models here or preparing them for transport as loans. To make the space suitable for both functions, architects Broekbakema installed a 460 m2 climate-controlled box in the warehouse in 2005.
Located on the site of the Van Nelle factory, the depot occupies one of the factory warehouses and is used to store around 700 models in an open layout. As well as being a storage area, it’s also a workshop for collection managers, who work on restoring and registering models here or preparing them for transport as loans. To make the space suitable for both functions, architects Broekbakema installed a 460 m2 climate-controlled box in the warehouse in 2005.

The New Garden, 2023
The New Garden has been part of the outdoor space of the Nieuwe Instituut since 2015. It is used as a testing ground for ecological management and biodiversity. In the winter of 2021, the garden was redesigned due to the restructuring of the Museum Park. Since then, work has been done on the ecological restoration of the garden, bringing it back into full bloom.
The New Garden has been part of the outdoor space of the Nieuwe Instituut since 2015. It is used as a testing ground for ecological management and biodiversity. In the winter of 2021, the garden was redesigned due to the restructuring of the Museum Park. Since then, work has been done on the ecological restoration of the garden, bringing it back into full bloom.