End of season
November 05, 2016
November 05, 2016

I started to doubt if this place even existed. 120 kilometers of slowly driving through potholes and mudpools, hours of crossing the great plains of nothing, with heavy clouds darkening the rough land. We had constantly been driving towards a sort of tear in the clouds, right above a mountain range in the far distance. A bright light that seemed to lure us deeper and deeper into the wildernis. We stepped out of the bumping and jolting car every now and then to take a picture and stretch our muscles. But it was so cold, and there really was nothing but shadows of ridges, pools of dirty water, rocks and shapes in the distance.
It was late in the afternoon when we arrived. A small settlement on both sides of a creek, surrounded by hills that had turned yellowish already. The remains of building activities scattered around the place. The girl behind the counter was friendly, but a bit tired. Tired of the rain, of a long season that finally was coming to an end. Our room was located in an unfinished part of a new hotel that was being built, and that over time most likely would replace the small wooden cottages. Some already had their windows covered with hard board. It was not just the end of a season.

I liked this place. It was heading for closure and there weren't many guests left, but it also held a promise of activity, although not much really happened. A couple of construction workers in bright yellow overalls hammering on the walls. People coming and going, late in the evening in huge cars with enormous wheels and headlights. Leaving after just a cup of coffee, for god knows where, disappearing into the pitch black night.
We went hiking to Hveradalir, in the pouring rain. It was the most beautiful place, one that didn't uncover itself until the fog finally cleared. In the evenings we sat at the window of the old building, with a hot dish of mashed potato, fish and cheese, watching the darkness creeping in. I had my reservations about the new hotel, its size and design that seemed too massive for this area and I felt sorry for the A-frames. But I didn’t complain about the comfortable new room, the soft, white beds and hot showers. It was the last stop before returning home. I shot some pictures the morning we checked out. They should have been better, but I was tired. It was my end of season as well.
We went hiking to Hveradalir, in the pouring rain. It was the most beautiful place, one that didn't uncover itself until the fog finally cleared. In the evenings we sat at the window of the old building, with a hot dish of mashed potato, fish and cheese, watching the darkness creeping in. I had my reservations about the new hotel, its size and design that seemed too massive for this area and I felt sorry for the A-frames. But I didn’t complain about the comfortable new room, the soft, white beds and hot showers. It was the last stop before returning home. I shot some pictures the morning we checked out. They should have been better, but I was tired. It was my end of season as well.